Nikkor 1:2.8 f=5cm Nippon-Kogaku Nr.50xxx

Collapsible 5cm (50mm) 1:2.8 lens for early Canon rangefinder cameras with bayonet mount. It has the same styling and serial numbers as the 5cm 1:4.5 and 5cm 1:3.5 lenses, which suggests they were all made at the same time. Unlike the other two, it has a standard aperture scale (2.8 - 4 - 5.6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22 ). It was probably intended as a faster alternative to the 5cm 1:3.5, but was quickly superceded by the 5cm 1:2 lens so only one batch was produced.
Related: 5cm 1:4.5 | 5cm 1:3.5 | 5cm 1:2 | Home