Nikon Noct-Nikkor 58mm f1.2

High speed standard lens with hand-ground aspheric front element to eliminate sagittal oblique spherical aberration.

VersionSerial noDateScrewsEngravingNotes
K,Ai< 104111 – 104112 >1976 - 5+LMIJTwo prototypes known from early brochures, one pre-Ai and one Ai.
Ai172011 < 172031 – 172530 >Feb77 - 5+LMIJAppears identical to prototype but different serial numbers.
Ai< 172351 – 174472 > - Nov815+MIJSome overlap between lenses.


  • Development of Noct-Nikkor 58mm f1.2 at Nikon site
  • Review by Fredrik Rasmussen

    Pre-Ai Prototype

    Ai version